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IT & Medien Centrum

User manual

A broad overview of all LiDO3 related topics is presented in the LiDO3 user manual.

Please read this first as it addresses the most common topics and is updated frequently.

Ask for support

If you have questions, requests, proposals or problems, please notify the Service Desk and mention "LiDO" in your request.


The accountmanagment website is only available from inside the TU network. You need to use a VPN client to access it from outside.

Please use the account managment website.
(Only available from inside the university network. Use a VPN client from outside.)

Please use the account managment website.
(Only available from inside the university network. Use a VPN client from outside.)

Please use the account managment website.
(Only available from inside the university network. Use a VPN client from outside.)

The access to LiDO is restricted to the university network to minimize the target surface.

If necessary, please use a VPN client to access LiDO from outside.