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IT & Medien Centrum

TU Dortmund offers a campus wide license for the software MATLAB. Infortmations about the license and how to download the program can be found at the service portal here.


As part of the campus license, LiDO3 offers the MATLAB parallel server. This allows users to utilize the LiDO3 ressources for their MATLAB programs directly from their desktop computers remotely. To avoid issues it is recommended to use the same MATLAB versions on your desktop computer as you use on LiDO3. 


In cooperation with mathworks we offer a LiDO3 specific documentation on how to use MATLAB on the cluster.

Running MATLAB parallel jobs on LiDO3

Running MATLAB parallel jobs from your desktop computer on LiDO3



In order to use MATLAB remotely from your desktop computer, you need to download the support package

Matlab parallel server support package

The archive file should be unpacked in the loaction returned by calling

>>> userpath

from within MATLAB.


Please note, that the support for the Tesla K40 GPUs is lost depending on the MATLAB version you are using.